Tuesday, October 28, 2008

shitty day

what a shitty day. This morning I tried to help clean the house while I got no idea mom and dad would be coming early for a prayer. I knew they are coming but not that early. Got a big scold from her saying thats nt the way of cleaning the house..somehow leading telling me im an ill bred child. Im tired bloggie..i really am. I have been bearing for this for long enough from the day I came bck from states. Everything I do somehow seems not working well for her. I have to secretly bake in this house now..what the hell...shitty mom I got..

Im not sure how much longer I can bear with all this. I feel like running away from this house..TO be honest..I dont feel happy at all. Im just pretending to be smiley in front of them..I feel pressurized...My mind has lots of things to think of and talk to..IM STUCK UP!!!!!! and IM GOING CRAZY soon!

PLEase just shoot me to death.IM tired of everything!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

whats nxt?!

Jst got bck fr states...hm..wondering what i shld do nxt?
Im going bck to my hmtwn on the 6th of this month ..Hopefully..my plan worked out well like what i sketched in mind...business time...

But of course before that..I need to polish up my baking skills..its been a longgggg holiday for me i just need to brighten up my skills a lil bit..hm..i didnt even knw where shld i start..kekeke..
My mind is still in a holiday mode now...OMG i knw..i need to get some serious business life..but how how how? starting fr home ordering? i knw its easier saying than carry it out....to start out with..i dnt even have friends in my hmtwn..my mom's friends? please...they do knw how to criticize ppl...besides they bake on their own too...WHere and How shld i start...huhuhu

Confuse confuse confuse..........but..ill just take this as part of my challenging life for beginning the first step of business life...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Bck from Hawai'i

Aloha bloggie..YEAH thats right! im sick of aloha now..thats the main important word they always say in Hawaii

anyway..im writing to say Im finally arrived here in dead cold depressing city of san francisco at 6 am this morning departing from honolulu, hawaii at 9.50 pm at night. Was glad of the weather in Hawaii..it was such a perfect weather for a vacation..no winter!

Hawaii is such a bueatiful city..me sis and my friend spent 1 whole week in hawaii from 27th till 30th in honolulu and on the 1st till 3rd, we took superferry to maui! spent 2 nights there snorkeling and exploring the city..got bck to honolulu on the 3rd around 2 pm,checking in new hotel at the waikiki beach and leaving the next day at night..spent one whole afternoon going to the submarine..we had a blast!

My eyes couldnt get to sleep even though i knw im sooo tired..i just cant get to sleep..oh GOD!
and the weather here is so cold...its only 11 in the noon here which is supposed to be only 8 in the morning in hawaii cos of the 3 hrs difference..wonder what shld i do..hm..
i miss dad and mom and my dog..i feel so empty.
Anyway im going dwn to check on my bro things he purchased from online store..
Oh Oh and couple of days ago its my bro's bdae..tmrrw is going to be my sis's bdae

Heppie bday FOLKS!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Got bck here in the states again last afternoon in Sf..Felt so tired after that many long hours of flight i just wanna get my ass fast to san francisco soon...and finally alas...tada! WELCOME bck to SAN FRANCISCO...man...how shld i describe the feelings...i just felt weird..

Weird i used to study here lived my life here for 3 yrs..it brings bck all the memories..somehow saddening but nice to flashed myself bck being here again...with all the cold windy environment..looking at the bus telling myself..Oh thats the muni i used to take everyday to sch...Oh that road is used to be my everyday's walking path everyday...it was all just unbelievable..happy to see my sister,ctine and raissa again...what a warm and small japanese restaurant eat out to welcome and greeted me as soon as i left san francisco's airport..and when i get myself into this house, all memories again brought me bck to the past..my apartment..i used to lived here last time..got bck fr sch at 2 to 3 and had myself sitted in front of my macbook..cant believed it was all over..and that im here just for a holiday..

Last night when i left singapore..funny somehow i felt so heavy leaving my parents..i got all the same feelings during my first study to san francisco..not at all freedom afterall..i miss my dad and mom already..i miss the singapore's timing now..it must be night there now..received sms fr my dad last night when i was slping which it shld be evening at 3 o clock there, that my mom fell off in chinatwn cos of her slippery sandals..oh my..wanna get bck there too cos somehow i really miss my parents..but at the same time..i wanna have fun here too as much as i can for the longest time ever..hmmm

BUt still im so happy to get here refreshing all my memories bck..starbucks,jamba juices,restaurants i always used to visit..all that except for my neighbors upstairs. no more neighbours on the 14th floor..all that feelings happy and yet at the same time..what matters to me most is, get my sch things done as soon as possible, have fun here as much as i can then TADA....HAWAII im coming on the 27th...then i shld be bck to my parents soon..still somehow nice to be with them even though they scold and nag at you..yep their presence are important to me..i dnt feel missing out with them around instead i feel secure.

For this i shld mention to myself WELCOME BCK TO SAN FRANCISCO,MOKO!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

throwing out feelings

Semalam, entah mengapa papa dan mami begitu aku dan ame msuk ke dlm rumah, mrk udah marah2. Mrk blnk, kalo kita plgnya trlalu malam pdahal waktu kita sampai di rumah br jam 8 lewat 1o mnt.Mami pun seperti biasa udah mulai dgn jurus biasanya marah2 ngomel2 mengatakan kalo anak2nya smua itu ga berguna..

Yg lebih menyakitkan pas aku di loteng sndiri, aku mendengar percakapan antara mami dan papa di bawah..kata2 itu sakittt sekali seolah2 seperti ditusuk dgn pisau tajam dan membekas di hati. AKu yakin, kalau aja ame ati dan yg lainnya mendengarnya, mrk pun akan sedih sekali.AKu tidak percaya bagaimana ibu aslimu sndri bisa mengatakan kalau smua anak2nya tidak berguna ke suaminya.Mengatakan kepada suaminya utk berhati2 terhadap kami semua karena kami semua hanya melihat uang dan harta papa. Begitu aku mendengarnya, tanpa kusadari air mata udah bercucuran sehingga setiap kali aku menghapusnya air mata itu kembali tanpa terkendali membasahi pipi aku. Aku tidak percaya bahwa anak sendiri dianggap sebagai musuh bagi mereka.Tetapi aku hanya bisa pasrah saja krn aku tau di mata mrk aku ini cmn anak yg bodoh, tidak berpenghasilan dan tak berguna.Bahkan mamaku sendiri mengatakan kepada teman temannya kalau aku ini tidak berguna,nakal dan kurang hajar terhadap org tua. Yg lebih menyakitkan dia mengutuk aku kelak aku bakal menjadi org yg susah. Terkadang aku berharap sekali kalau aku seperti asia ataupun ati ataupun ame yg pintar dalam pelajaran.Tetapi setelah apa yg kupelajari, ternyata semuanya dianggap sama. Liat aja asia ataupun ati, apalah yg mrk dpt ketika mendapat nilai bgs? Yg aku inginkan bukanlah hadiah atau brg benda yg mempunyai nilai mata uang..pujian...cukup dengan pujian saja kami pasti merasa bahagia.dipikir2 kembali, kami semua tidak pernah mendapat pujian dr orgtua kami. Pantesan saja aku tidak heran kalau kami semua makin tidak percaya diri..

24 juni besok, aku brangkat ke sf, tp sebelumnya aku udah janji ke tmn2 ku sofia dan steffi kalau sebelum brangkat nanti aku bakal keluar sm mrk..tp melihat keadaan sperti ini, smua rencana kubatalkan..kecewa..krn steffi lg berlibur dr amrik dan itupun jarang2 kami ketemu..sedangkan sofia, aku memang sudah membuat jadwal dgnnya dr 2 bulan yg lalu..

aku kesal bgt sama kluargaku..mamaku lebih membela anak org lain dibanding dgn anaknya sndiri.Mamaku jg lebih mendengar kata2 dr org lain dibanding mendengar penjelasan anaknya sndiri..tp bagaimanapun dia tetap ibuku..segimana kesalnya aku, aku cmn bs pasrah..pasrah krn ini smua udah jalan hidupku..betapa aku mau curhat dgnnya smua kekeluhan dan kesusahanku..tp apa yg kudapat? adanya keluhan dr dia yg slalu mengatakan kami smua tidak berguna,tidak berhasil...dr antara lima, memang aku tidak berhasil, tetapi jgnlah dia menyatukan dan menjelek2in yg lainnya krn aku tau mrk smua sudah berkerja keras utk memuaskan papa dan mami...

Aku ibarat seekor burung yg terjebak di dalam sangkar..tidak bisa berbuat apa2..terkadang aku ingin sekali membuat keputusan aku sendiri..berdiskusi dgn org tua..tp br saja aku ngomong, mrk semata2 menghinaku..seperti buktinya mami..di mata dia anak org lain jauh lebih bgs drpd anaknya sndiri..dia selalu mengatakan bahwa aku ini selalu memalukannya dgn memakai baju yg compang camping..sebenarnya, aku jg sangat malu dgn diriku sendiri..namun aku tidak berhak utk meminta duit kepadanya utk membeli baju baru..seperti ketika aku mengajukan utk pergi ke pasar bawah membeli jeans, dia tidak menanggapiku..
betapa aku ingin kasi tau kepadanya.."Ma, jeans aku yg dulu udah longgar sekali..sama sekali tidak bs dipakai.."
Tetapi,blum lg aku meneruskan pembicaraanku, dia sudah mengatakan bahwa aku ini boros dan lagi2 tidak berguna..kadang kalo aku membandingin diriku dgn org miskin, aku ini sebenarnya jauh lebih miskin dr mrk..miskin akan perhatian, miskin akan baju dan perlengkapan, miskin akan pujian, miskin akan kasih sayang..

AKu sadar memank aku dulu boros..itu krn aku akui dulu aku masih berpikiran anak kecil..tetapi apa yg kuborosin itu jg demi kebahagiaan masa kecilku..diingat2 kembali, aku selalu menghabiskan duit2ku dgn membeli satu set satu set barbie doll..waktuku kecil, seingat aku, kami jarang sekali dibelikan mainan2 anak kecil..yg ada dibilang menghabiskan duit. Semakin dilarang, semakin aku ingin membeli mainan2ku sehingga kusadari, duit tabunganku udah kosong...tp aku tidak menyesalinya krn setidaknya aku dpt merasakan bagaimana senangnya kehidupan anak kecil yg mempunyai istana mainan..jika saja ada mesin waktu yg dpt membuatku ke masa lalu, aku tetap akan memilih jalan yg sama..

Perkara kecil seperti kluar malam, tidak mkn rumah..seakan2 hal yg sangat penting bagi mrk..hrs mrk sadari kalo kami bukanlah lg anak kecil..kami tau mana yg baik dan mana yg tidak baik..hanya dgn perkara ini saja, bisa membuat ibuku seakan2 seperti ingin menelan bumi..
aku lelah dgn sodara2 mami yg selalu memanas2in mami mengatakan buat apa sekolah tinggi2?
lelah dgn mrk mengatakan kami ini tidak berguna..lelah dgn smua keributan yg selalu terjadi di rumah ini...aku tidak dpt merasakan hangatnya kekeluargaan itu apa..aku belum merasakan aslinya rasa kasih sayang dr mrk itu bagaimana..

Namun dgn smua yg telah dikatakan dr mulut mami bahwa kami tidak berguna, aku akan berusaha sekuat tenaga dan membuktikan kepadanya bahwa kami sama sekali berbeda dgn apa yg dipikirkannya...kami tidak merakusi hartanya..kami tidak kurang hajar..kami ini hanya anak yg haus akan pujian dan kasih sayang dr org tua..

memang sekarang ini aku merasa diriku tidak berguna..bahkan hadiah ulang tahun ati dan ame yg bentar lagi tiba aja aku tidak bisa membelikan mrk hadiah..tp suatu hari aku berjanji kelak jika aku sukses nanti, aku tidak pernah akan lupa dorongan dr diriku sendiri bahwa betapa sedihnya hidupku sebagai seorg anak yg haus akan segalanya..bukan hanya aku..aku yakin ati ame asia awi yg lainnya jg pasti merasa demikian...betapa aku ingin mrk tau isi hati dr anak2 mrk..telinga yg dpt mendengar dan mulut yg dpt menasihati dibanding memarahi dan mencurigai..

Tetapi, dari smua itu, aku sangat bersyukur mempunyai kedua org tua seperti papa dan mami krn aku yakin di sebalik perlakuan mrk semua, pasti ada rasa kekhawatiran,kasih sayang dan alasan mrk yg tersembunyi sendiri...hanya saja kasih sayang mrk berbeda dr yg lainnya.. bersyukur krn aku memiliki awi,asia ati dan ame..setidaknya kita pernah mengalami masa masa sukar yg sama. Aku cmn bisa mengatakan TABAH lah dan Yakin lah bahwa kita semua bisaa berhasil yaa.

Namun, jika aku dikasih memilih, aku lebih memlih kluarga yg berkecukupan,namun bahagia tanpa keributan krn aku dpt melihat dr segi pandangan ku sendiri, bahwa uang bukanlah dpt membuat org bahagia.

Friday, June 13, 2008

naggy world!

Im living in a world full of naggers!
stupid relatives, mom like to nag at me, worse thing-about marriage.
Hello! they want me to get married at the age of 23..cant understand why are they so desperate...
mom especially..matchmaked me here and thre...not knwing whether if the guys r good or not..
what matters to her most is as long as my status is married! Grr!
Nowadays, she scolded nagged at me...couldnt wait to run fr this house..man.
anyway..tmrrow is going to be acheng's daughter marriage..yeah wedding again. Thats why mom nagged at me seeing her friends' daughter already married...
Arghhhhh..haha i wondered what will happen to my sis when she get bck here..bet things would be mroe complicated than what i thought..

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Getting over the limit

I lied to mom yesterday night during dining in. I almost quarrelled with mom about aseng just cos he walked past by us while we were eating, i didnt call him made my mom upset saying im ill-mannered brat...I just blunty told her he mistaken ppl's feelings so easily. Just smilng at him he thought i liked him..OMYGOSH..how can u smile u straight away say that ppl like u? what the hell..so got no choice i just lied to my mom i already have a boyfriend! my mom insisted that i shld bring him to house to let her see him...this is soooo getting over the limit..all just bcos of that stupid total stranger who mistakenly thought ppl smiling being kind to him means liking him...What to do what to do?~!!! 


Sunday, June 8, 2008

feeling bored.

My mom been busy making chinese dumpling these days and so glad i finally got to snatch my dog back fr my mom's friend..hope she would get pregnant so mom wouldnt have to bring her bck to her friend...

haiz...im going to usa on 24th if all is going well. im feeling so bored nowadays...woke up every morning so early at 6.30 with my neck pain...

Monday, June 2, 2008


Huh..So i finally arrived here in pku last evening..Glad everything went on smoothy in jkt!
PPl got their visas for 5 days but i got it like i went in and straight right away ready on that day!
Huahuahu. ppl kept asking me how did i do that..and the officers suspected me so they kinda like kept checking me till i raised my voice in front of them..ASK THE AMERICAN ppl not me! They finally got scared, they just lemme in to the consular room to collect my visa. I arrived in jkt 29th at night..my uncle who lives in jkt showed us around with his car going to destination jakarta pusat where out hotel paragon was which was really near to the american embassy..

WOke up at 6 in the morning suddenly rem i got task to do-my visa..i thought its going to be a really long procedures for the visa..at least 3rd i get to collect it..turned out..HAHA..they day i got interviewed. that evening i got to collect it! eased my burden so much..THANK GOD! My dad was so happy too we got it processed real fast. Thnk to my dad so much..accompanying me standing outside the embassy door for long hours in the middle of hot sun the minute i went in..damn the security...he told me only one person can go in...I had to go bck to rephoto myself cos my ears are covered..my dad thought its going to be a really long day. Even the evening we got bck to collect my visa, he stood outside waiting..think cos of that he got sick.

THe next day, we went to BOGOR to see the environment..it was windy, a lil nit cleaner than jkt..gloomy..nice to live in that city i thought and not really far fr jkt just couple hours driving.
That night too, we went to sarina to buy batik..costed us Rp1.703.000 UHOHO
Following the next day, we went to palam my dad's office is. stick around inside then got a phone call fr my dad's friend pak eddy who's treating us lunch at hotel mulia..
Then we got bck on the 2nd, early in the morning.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Going to Jakarta

true enough last night we went to the market to search for supper. We wandered around in pasar malam with dad and bro looking for stuffs. I finally bought cute pinky comb and dad with his cds. Bro bought ramlee burgers, while me and dad looking for the jelly coconuts and fried bananas to bring home. Well my dad cant resist tempations so he finally bought heavy supper again-prawn mee. Cos of going to the market, i missed half an hour of channel 8 9 o clock shows.

what else shld i pack later? im going to parkway later to have my photo taken for my visa. My flight would depart at 4.30 today...hope the visa thingy would be more easy procedures than what i thought..hm.

I went to the market again early in the morning today with dad to buy groceries for our home stocks. We had curry and kaya breads for our breakfast today..huammmmmmmmm

usual activities

This morning I woke up feeling extremely tired, I hardly opened my eyes and dragged myself into the bathroom thinking..."I shld wake up early going to meme's sch to have her sch formed signed with my dad today.."

As always i saw my dad watching tv while rubbing and cleaning his agarwoods dwnstairs..busy bee in the morning cos u could hear all the activities going on in the early morning-sound of TV, sound of my dad working with the woods, sound of coming fr the kitchen, all the plates being BING and BANG you could hear..I just made my way to clean up myself and get ready for today's activities..Had my breakfast fried rice which was not really appetizing but thats okay..

ANyway we got off fr home at around 8.30, took 196 to bedok and transfered to no 69 bus to finally Temasek polytechic where my sis's sch is...we were lucky we got thre early it only took the whole signing thing not even more than 10 mnts except watching them get ready yeah we have to wait for quite a while..i had my sis's Q for the line that we can just get to the stage and have that form signed as soon as possible just like what i had expected.

On our way bck home, we bought some foods to go along with our porridge for lunch-Toge, Cwee kuih, soon kuehs-it was pretty light lunch that made my dad and me hungry we decided to eat snacks during our evening time..pretty bored afternoon im havin today cos when i went dwnstairs, i saw the master bedrm's door closed meaning my dad is having his noon nap..soon enough i just joined him in the lala land in living room white sofa..hm..i was thinking what else shld i packed for my destination to jakarta tmrrw?

Last night after watching our regular 10 o clock chinese channel 8 show, as usual my dad asked us if we were hungry and he suggested we go to our usual 15 mnts walk market..so me dad bro and sis decided to company him..there was this pasar malam which made my dad happy there was a lot of food to choose from..he decided to have 2.50 mee kia and a lil bit of pasar malam stuffs like chicken sticks and fried fish balls, coconuts and coconuts jelly..then we got home eating while chatting and drinking coconuts for our supper. Hm..wonder if dad is going to have supper again today..

I felt so bloated now i just had my dinner, had my chinese black tea to lessen the bloatedness while listening to chinese 93.3 radio..while Dad watching channel 8 shows dwnstairs..

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rainy tuesday

Early in the morning i went out with my dad to parkway parade just for the purpose of getting a massage. My dad knws how to enjoy life. The whole procedures took like an hour for leg and back to head massage. It was quite a pain-relieved too. But i got uncomfortable when one of the massager sent a young dash good looking man to massage me. He kept looking at me i dnt knw why so i just bend my whole head dwn pretending i was sleeping.

After we got out, we went to breadtalk to look out for breads. Then my dad decided to just hang around at yakun kaya toast to have his kopi O and i ordered sometgh new fr their menu-french toast with kaya. The original bread tasted much better than the french toast. Next, my dad decided we shld get breadtalk for home so we bought quite a few breads and one whole loaf of carrot bread plus 3 for a dollar curry puff along the roadside walk

Earlier when we were about to get home, my dad told me he wanted to buy Prada glasses but i told him it was 500plus plus. Wondered why he want that glasses for..hmm ON our way bck we met cai leng pek looking for my dad..it was a rally boring afternoon i just decided to go to bugis by myself again..bought two clothings for myself and got myself drenched cos of the heavy rain.
Regret going there cos rains made my head giddy now. After i got bck home, I straight went to shower my whole head just to prevent fr getting a cold and had my early dinner as usual.
The nxt thing i knw, i was bored again so here i am blogging!

Anyway tomorrow is the 28th..my last day in singapore..hm..im just going to stick around in the house and have my sis's sch form signed for her in the sch. Then im going bck to jakarta have my visa applied and approved..hope everything is going smoothly. I cant wait to go to sf now.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Giddy Giddy Yap!

So like what I promised fia we went out to bugis today cos today is the only day she's off fr working. We got thre like around 11 i think and she was late..so i just made my way to make a prayer at the temple. We pretty much just hanged around the bugist street area browsing for clothings..

Sofia got herself a dress just for 10 bucks..then we headed bck to fill our stomach for lunch at bugis junction at the top floor. Superb! After a while we got bored, we decided to just hanged around at the airport..and finally arrived at terminal 3 by SMRT. It was a really nice quiet environment..nice for ppl who's having much thoughts..i told sofia to go up to the top floor to look for aeroplanes view..i relaxed my mind by just looking at the planes...so did sofia. HAHA and needless to say somehow i felt like as though im a lesbian earlier..HAUHAUHAUA. Anyway..we took skytrain bck to terminal two.. and decided to just sit around at nearby caffe cos of menstruation kills my vagina..so we chose the coffee bean..sofia treated me ice mango and got herself ice strawberries each for 7.30 which was way too pricey. And ofcourse we gossiped bout all stuffs. Too bad we didnt take pictures!

We had dinner at parkway parade so we took bus 36 fr the basement and had our meal at usual food court. Had fun at least.. :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sleepy day

MAn..been really sleepy and sloppy lately. Somehow my body is just aching all over.. and had no idea why! my eyes are like halway open when i talked to people and had no mood at all. haiz

I went to the market with my dad and bro this morning for the purpose of getting mushrooms. But we ended up buying lots of eating stuffs like my cwee kuih i got it for only 60 cents and 2 dollars for my dad's yong tofu. cheapy cheapy foods!

This day seems to be a longer day than what i thought. Earlier when i woke up fr my sleep, i realized it was only 1 cos it seems like 3 to me..bloodyhell so i just went dwnstairs looking for my snacks time so i just made my usual evening cup of tea to dip along with corny biscuits and some snacks that we managed to buy in sheng shiong last night. zzz..it took only 30 mnts for the whole procedures that when i looked bck at the clock, GEez it was only 1.30...so i just went bck tp my sleep again.

Next right after i woke up, i went dwnstairs bck to eat my snacks again..waited for my dad to come bck fr the office but i guessed he must've got bck at around 4 smtgh. My bro asked me if i want to go the airport with him to spy on meme..but i decided Nah..its not a very nice thing to do. i guessed he's just bored he decided to go to slp on my bed nxt room. My dad just called to tell me to get ready at 5 for our dinner outside and i told him okay. Im thinking about my visa in jkt..Hope it would be a really fast procedures..hope the people there in the embassy wont give me too much trouble..

I had the sudden urge to not go to Sf somehow..cos i will leave my dad alone with my mom. I just dnt want him to go everywhere alone cos somehow he is always confused.for the past few days ive been accompanying him everywhere to buy his seeds for planting in chinatwn..we walked quite a distance in a sunny hot day..but thats okay i loved being his companion. I loved it when he's happy like when he talked with the seed's seller, im surprised they talked like they're an old friend..it took me for more than an hour to listen them talking and laughing..
Somehow i just knw my dad is just so restless, thinking too much problems, worse thing is he smokes over the limit..and still dares to tell me his chest pains sometimes and few nights bck he got real bad headache all of a sudden..haiz..What to do? I just love him too much im so worried for his health..he is pretty much bored all the time that he looks for foods everytime..DAD oh DAD pls take care of urself!

I got this funny feeling earlier when i woke up, i suddenly thought..what's the purpose of being a human being? that shitty feeling i got suddenly made me realized we all got to cherish each other..i dreamt of thre's no longer my dad and mom..thre's only 5 of us...and all of us have children already..we're old at around 40's and 50's already and in that dream, i got the feeling of worriedness for my children..scared of them not knwing how to handle things in life..and all of a sudden, im dead. ANyway..that dream was one scary dream in my afternoon nap. I got so emotional after woking up..i realized why dad and mom kept nagging at us..

I looked bck at our old photos in computer..shoot i just realized how much we all changed..everybody is just growing up..while dad and mom they've grown old..everytime i looked bck at our old photos, it made me realized how i wish i could turn bck times.

How i wish Bro graduated already so that he could help dad on his business..I felt sorry for my dad at his age he still has to work hard to find money for us..get married so that my mom would be happy. haiz..it's just too draggy..hope sis and bro would find their loved ones soon! Im just not sure about me..cos somehow..i cant get over him..not fully. I guessed it's all karma. I used to play on ppl's feelings back when i was in high sch...look what happened to me now..i felt useless! Tell me how to get over ur loved ones!!! I tried not to look bck.haizz...

Anyway i hate bein so emotional to myself. I have to stop now..and OH man..its only 3.30...
What shld i do next? its going to start raining outside...rain rain rain oh rainn...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

HOT weather

Cant stand the weather so much for past few days. Kept sweating all over........grr
My dad is coming tmrrw to pick me up then we're going to Jakarta to produce my visa.
haiz..im so bored, got nothing to do and im too lazy to go out too cos of the sunny weather.

Still so much better living in indonesia. I miss xiao hei so much..I want to go bck..have my favourite best lontong in kedai manalagi opposite my dad's office, have kak yuni's homemade indonesian delicacies for lunch..food here is OH-man..really had no appetite after looking at it.

I miss my big sis and my big bro too..when will they come home. Let's all gather around again like the last holiday..really had fun. My small bro and sis went out early this morning leaving me feeling so bored in this house. Oh oh sis and bro's bday is coming. one is 21 and the other is 19. Big boy and gal already. HAHAHA. Luv them. wonder what shld i got for them..hm

ANyway..im thinking if i shld go to parkway later hanging out in border reading books or just stay at home. huammmmm..i feel so sleepy now. Maybe i shld just go to slp in my own lala land.

suckers relatives

Ive been bearing the hotness in this city with my Sweat dropping all the time resulting in wet hair since this morning!!!!!! Stupid weather.

What made me feel stupider was when my cousin just got bck fr sch, straight walked into my bedroom while i was just opposite in a study room, and GREAT there she goes again..turn on the aircon!BRAVO!
WEW..felt the stupidity in me by bearing with all the shitty hot room no turning on the aircon. I knw some ppl are jst so blunt and what i called bloody thick skinned.

C'me on..when will all this be over? Get over it already..Since the day i study in singapore..had been living with all kind of cousins..They were nightmares, HARD to deal with, INCORPORATIVE, and WORST of ALL..UNGRATEFUL bunch of people.

What do we get in return? How i wish i wanna tell my mom to be not sooo innocent..mind u they are just using you! Well..what do my parents get from them in return? NOTHING! not even visiting here at this house..well..except for CHInese New Year which I find it so BLOODY FAKE!
Fake to the extend they just want a big angpao. WHo else gave them big angpao except for my parents? Some going bck to hmtwn, not celebrating with us, dnt even bother to call and greet them fr the phone.They try to be nice in front of U..well..thy sweet-talked u too, as if they caree bout u.. REALY?! yeah right..So hard to get their help. Like the guarantor thingy, they would find ONE thousand excuses whatever thousand u name it...just to say they were scared they would get involved..WELL IN SHORT...They are FAKERS! or shld i say FUCKERS? hmm..wait let me debate about it..hm..yah i guess they are fuckers.Real fuckers..hardcore fuckers. That the only one word in mind I could think of for them!

Why do We always the one who goes there? Why not They make the effort by coming here and NOT im the one who always took the sweat and effort going to their house almost every once in a week..Come to think of it now.I was just gullible last time..NOT ANYMORE!
We gave all of u free hosting while u guys studying here, EVERYTHING! BUt pls make the effort by saving us some money switching off the switch while u done with ur laptop, lights and not just leave it as if YOU guys pay the bill too..I thought it was already over when the last batch moved fr this house..yeay VICTORY! turns out..the other way round..

Well..some ppl they dnt really stay here for years, but they happened to come by staying over for three days to a week then BOOm they left. Its always been like that since my dad bought a condo in singapore..this house is just like a terminal for them. LIke u knw when we go to sf, we have to transit either in Hk or korea..so my house is like korea and hk to them! WOW im amazed..well...no surprise cos if ever Im the govt I would be more than happy for ppl like them to come and spend money in the city..Turned out,we spending more money to welcome them.NOW that they got a house themselves, they dnt even care for visiting.

I hate to be faker myself, i wanna tell straight in front of u guys, But again probs wouldnt be solved when words are spread fr mouth to mouth resulting in Mom scolding us, her children. Like u knw how much my mom loves her relatives. Cos i rem my sis putting stuff like this "I hate my cousins", the nxt day we got a scolding..KOMPAS mouth what i called..more efficient and fast than kompas news.-express delivery..Why do i called it express? here let me imagine this:
From MSN[in SF] to cousins in MSN [Singapore] to maybe their MOM [who are my fuckers aunties] to finally my MOM...

I am so pity my dad..mind all of u guys he doesnt earn money by shaking his ass off..He worked hard everyday..SWEAT,TIREDNESS..well who knws HIS AGONY?! i guess only his children.
My dad is just one extra ordinary kind person..extraordinary to the extend he could just willingly keep all the burden to himself.. pays every household bills which is always extraordinary pricey. Never in my life, I heard ppl pays 600 bucks and above for water electricity except for companies then yeah..I guess u ppl dnt knw paying aircon is pricey huh..Well im telling U ppl now that It IS! BIG THX to all those ungrateful ppl who used to live and still living here.

For that i wanna say to u all relatives..CONGRATULATIONS FUCKERS!
What all this relationship, blood relation thingy..WELL WHO CARES? I dont buy that anymore.
JUst as long as u guys dnt mess with my family,then i guess WE're through!

YOu ppl Got to learn take criticism.C'me on look up urself into the mirror cos i knw after reading this, You guys will definately find thousand of excuses saying im really at fault.Yah i guess u guys are always right.. Dnt expect me to be the same like i used to be. YES, i hold my chin up when i said all u guys are just bunch of fuckers. SO STOP messing with MY FAMILY

Monday, May 19, 2008


I had teppanyaki for my lunch today at changi arport with my small bro and sis.
Happyly bloated!

Headed to parkway parade to meet my friend, sofia, hanging chatting around at mccaffe.
Wonder what will i do tmrrow..

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bugis day

Just got bck from bugis with my sis and Jul, the skeleton bone. HAHA!

we kinda explored all of the bugis street earlier. happy cramping and sweating and alas finally got some stuff we bought. I bought pretty dress for just 10 bucks..so worth it huh. Moving on next, we went to the junction area, which pretty much made my sis thought of buying her favourite, Takapochi. I just realized bugis changed so much today! it got everything i want in there! HAHA. all my favourites..like the soupy thingy i used to have called clam chowder in san francisco..then the crepes which made me thought of japan town in ther too..HEAVENLY!

After wandering around smtimes, i made my sis bought two boxes of takapochi, one for her and me. HAHA. it was a pretty brilliant idea to scrimp out some money for myself..Gotcha! well..she lives in sgpore and she got pocket money once in a week, while I dont! so blame no one else..muahauhauhauahua. Well..jul..u can say she's almost out from the picture. She ate nothing except helped to recommend which food is nice. I was so craving for muffins earlier that made me buy three! banana walnut which is my all time favourite, blueberry which i gave to my sis and apple which was just my random pick!

Well my dad told us to buy his 4D numbers when my sis asked me if there's any store to buy 4d in bugis ,I told her no there's none. That was why we had to transport to parkway parade just to get those numbers. We're trying to be good daughters u see..my sis told me to just tell him there's none of the store for us to buy 4d earlier, it kinda made me feel quilty i told her...NAH! let me just go there while u and jul stay here. My guessed have been right she's quilty by following me to parkway parade. HAHAHA. good daughters are just good daughters. Thre's nothing u can lie even though u knw.. u tried to bluff..cos in the end u will feel like ur quilty!..HAHAHA

We ended our day eating at hawker and had this delicious Yong tofu. It pretty much made my day! i got new dress! im trying to look for any simple sexy clothers for my next trip..HAWAII!
too much to buy i can just go bankrupt. Shld save some money for myself.!well. I do knw my own limit..im not that crazy shopaholic gal.

Hope my flu would be so much better tomorrow. Bye bloggie

Saturday, May 17, 2008

what do U do in this kind of situation

So.. I just got bck fr my nearby store browsing as usual my all time favourite snacks, without realizing there's this old man around sixties had been looking at me. First thought i had was
"well maybe he's just happened to look at me and I happened to look at him too. No big deal"

I just felt smtgh is not at all right with that man. How can he followed me whenever i went into section by section of snacks as if afraid to lose out my tracks..u knw..like a lil kid who's afraid of losing his mom..I made things sound easy by telling myself I dnt wanna make bad assumptions for him. When i squatted dwn reaching for the snacks i wanna buy, he scanned at my thighs..
I got up, turned to him and glared at his perverted look.

DOnt wanna mess around with him anymore, I straight away went up to cashier only to knw he was behind me pretending he's done buying and he needs to pay up too..sickening..I was thinking how shld i go bck walking in a dark road to my home at that time..up next with him paying, I hurried myself opening the glass door making sure im safe he's not follwing fr behind, I turned back and noticed he looked back at me too but was stuck in front of the cashier with his things..
GOod thing the cashier went on slow doing the machine thingy..phew..

Sickening pervert old man. Never mess up with this kind of man. so much of a trouble just to get that one snack..

YUHU mushroom is bck bloggin

My first blog will be


Will try logging in casually and occasionally and not every once in a yr.